California Federation of Teachers Endorse Pro-Education Candidate Phu Nguyen for 68th Assembly District

Fountain Valley. March 25, 2010

The California Federation of Teachers (CFT) has endorsed Phu Nguyen for the 68th State Assembly. Citing Phu’s strong support of public schools and pledge to find resources to make our schools great again, Newport Mesa Federation of Teachers President Kimberly Claytor, said, “We are proud to join together with Phu Nguyen’s campaign to make education California’s top priority. Good jobs are linked to a good education. You cannot have one without the other and Phu Nguyen understands that the road back for the Golden State begins with education.”

The CFT represents over 120,000 educational employees working at every level of the education system in California, from Head Start to the University of California.

Phu Nguyen responded. “I am so honored to have the CFT endorsement. I have visited many schools and know first hand how hard our teachers are working despite overcrowded classes, despite pay and benefits cuts, and despite devastating lay-offs. I have seen their professionalism and work ethic teaching our most precious resource, our children. Californians face a clear fork in the road, a choice between choosing good public schools which lead to good jobs and a prosperous future; and the other choice which is to abandon our local schools and our children’s dreams. As a parent, a businessman, and as your next assembly representative, I will not let our children down. We will protect our local schools from further cuts and find the means to reinvest in education to make our state great again.”

Phu Nguyen is supported by dozens of educators including:
· Hon. Jerry Patterson, President Coast Community College Board of Trustees
· Hon. Michael Matsuda, President North O.C. Community College Board of Trustees
· Hon. Leonard L. Lahtinen, North O.C. Community College Board of Trustees
· Hon. Jim Moreno, Coast Community College Board of Trustees
· Hon. Lorraine Prinsky, Vice President Coast Community College District Board of Trustees
· Hon. John Hanna, Rancho Santiago Community College District Board of Trustees
· Hon. KimOanh Nguyen-Lam, Garden Grove Unified School District Board of Trustees
· Hon. Jose Moreno, President Anaheim Union School Board of Trustees
· Hon. Jordan Brandman, Anaheim Union High School District Board of Trustees
· Hon. Sergio Contreras, Westminster School District Board of Trustees

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