Phu Nguyen Receives California Nurses Endorsement


Nurses Cites Candidate’s Ability To Work With All to Find Solutions and Create Jobs 

Fountain Valley — California Nurses Association (CNA) has endorsed Phu Nguyen for 68th State Assembly.  California Nurses Association represents thousand of nurses in hospitals, clinics and home health agencies in Orange County.  CNA is the leading advocate of guaranteed healthcare by expanding and updating Medicare to cover all Americans.

In announcing the endorsement, Malinda Markowitz, a member of CNA’s Council of Presidents, notes that the most important goal of CNA this year is “to support candidates like Phu Nguyen, who understands the challenges facing California and brings fresh perspective, ideas, and solutions instead of echoing the same old rhetoric.”    “California nurses know Phu Nguyen’s commitment to improve the health care for all,” add Markowitz.     

“I’m humbled to have to support of so many nurses, who share my concerns for improving access to quality health care,”  said Phu Nguyen.  “I look forward to work with nurses, teachers, firefighters, business leaders, and all groups  to craft a sustainable, forward thinking vision for California,”  Nguyen adds. 

Phu Nguyen has been endorsed by California Teachers Association, California Federation of Teachers, California School Employees Association, California Professional Firefighters, California State Firefighters Association, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), and many other individuals and organizations.  More information on Phu Nguyen’s campaign and his endorsers can be found at

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