Thank You, Muchas Gracias, Cam On!

Dear Friends,
The Primary election is now over.  I am grateful and honored that the citizens of the 68th District have voted for me to become their Democratic Nominee.  Being a first-time candidate, I am proud to have received over 58% of the votes.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers and donors who have given their best to help in this grassroots, community driven campaign.  In particular, I want to thank my dedicated staff for working tirelessly for the past 6 months.  Without your help, this victory wouldn’t have been possible.  
I also want to congratulate my opponent for winning the Republican nomination.  But starting tomorrow, I know that you and I are ready to go out there and let the good people of the 68th Assembly District know the striking differences between us.  We will let them know that the choice is clear.  
This is an election between community leadership vs. career politicians.  It is between common sense policy making vs. self-interested and misguided policies.  This is an election focusing on real results vs. political grandstanding.  This is an election between working hard to create jobs vs. giving corporate kickbacks and tax cuts to the very wealthy during this time of economic crisis, while our kids cannot endure further cuts to education.
I have walked our neighborhoods in the 68th District, and  I’ve had the opportunity to listen and to talk with residents from all walks of life.  I am touched by the stories about how these tough times are affecting so many of us and in so many different ways.  There are too many families living from paycheck to paycheck.  For many other families, there is no longer a regular income.  There are too many families worried about how to make the next mortgage payment.  There are too many families that have to decide whether to buy health insurance or have food on the table. 
It is time to have strong leaders who will stand up for our kids and are willing to lead the fight for working families.  It is time to have leaders who understand the people’s struggles day in and day out.  It is time to elect leaders who will work hard to create and bring back new jobs to this District and to California.  
Help equip my campaign with the tools and resources we need to continue this fight.  Please consider making a contribution:
During our campaign kick-off in back in January, I told you all that I have always been inspired by the words of Gandhi.  He once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” So I say to you: join me for the next five months, and let’s take back our community in November and lets be the change we want to see in the world. 
Thank you,
Phu Nguyen

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